Personal statement from

J.D., 1981, The George Washington University Law School, Washington, D.C.

B.A., 1977, Magna Cum Laude, Public Policy Studies, Duke University, Durham, NC

Professional Associations

Mediation Association of Colorado

Colorado Bar Association, Boulder County Bar Association

Boulder IDC

Association for Conflict Resolution

Association of Family and Conciliation Courts

Pursuits Coaching and Wellness Network

Colorado Collaborative Divorce Professionals

Collaborative Divorce Professionals of Boulder County

City of Boulder Community Mediation Service Volunteer Mediator and Restorative Justice Facilitator

Divorce and Child Custody Mediation training with CDR Associates in 1991

A personal statement from Beth Brown Ornstein

Beth Brown Ornstein

Collaborative Divorce Facilitator and Mediator
Colorado Mediation Center, LLC
4450 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 100
Boulder, CO 80303
Telephone: 303-415-2042
Fax: 303-499-3937

Beth is an experienced dispute resolution professional, trainer, and attorney.  Since 1996, she has been providing mediation, arbitration, mediation-arbitration, parenting coordination/decision-making, coaching, and Collaborative divorce facilitation services for people struggling with divorce and parenting issues.  She believes the Collaborative divorce approach offers an excellent, non-adversarial process for divorcing spouses to make solid and informed decisions that best meet their needs and the needs of their children.

Beth is active in local professional organizations.  She has served on the Board of Directors of the Boulder Interdisciplinary Committee (IDC), as Co-Chair of the Boulder County Bar Association’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Section, and as President of the Boulder Chapter of the Mediation Association of Colorado.  She also coaches mediation training offered by the Colorado Bar Association.

Beth completed her initial Divorce and Child Custody Mediation training with CDR Associates in 1991.  Since then, she has participated in training for dependency and neglect mediation, mediation-arbitration, parenting coordination, conflict coaching, Non-Adversarial Communication, and Collaborative divorce. A certified MBTI®* practitioner, Beth provides conflict management and communication training for individuals and organizations.

As a private attorney, Beth has practiced contract, criminal, business, and family law.  As an attorney for the District of Columbia, she litigated contracts disputes and criminal matters and provided legal advice regarding the contract, administrative, and personnel matters.


J.D., 1981, The George Washington University Law School, Washington, D.C.
B.A., 1977, Magna Cum Laude, Public Policy Studies, Duke University, Durham, NC

Professional Affiliations

Mediation Association of Colorado
Colorado Bar Association, Boulder County Bar Association
Boulder IDC
Association for Conflict Resolution
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
Pursuits Coaching and Wellness Network
Colorado Collaborative Divorce Professionals
Collaborative Divorce Professionals of Boulder County
City of Boulder Community Mediation Service Volunteer Mediator and Restorative Justice Facilitator
* MBTI, Myers-Briggs, and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust in the United States and other countries.