Common Questions of the Person Not Wanting to Divorce

Person who doesn’t want divorce

By Jeannine Lee The parent who is surprised by divorce, whom I will call the Heartbroken, will have similar questions to those posed in this blog article [Common Questions of the Person Who Wants to Divorce] about the person who wants the divorce, but the difference is that the answers will have to be discovered […]

Common Questions of The Person Who Wants To Divorce?

couples having hard discussion

By Jeannine Lee The experiences for those experiencing divorce are different depending on which side of the decision to divorce they find themselves. Do you want the divorce? Dealing with guilt may be a big part of your journey. Friends and family are often unkind to/lack understanding of the one who leaves first. Are you […]

Surviving Survival Mode – Part Two

Surviving survival mode 2

This article contains adapted excerpts from Beyond Divorce—Stop the Pain, Rekindle Your Happiness, and Put Purpose Back in Your Life, by Jeannine Lee. Reprinted with permission. Learn more about the book here. [] Suggestions For Surviving Laurence Gonzales, in his book Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why studied the thoughts and behaviors common to wilderness […]

Surviving Survival Mode – Part One

Surviving survival mode 1

This article contains adapted excerpts from Beyond Divorce—Stop the Pain, Rekindle Your Happiness, and Put Purpose Back in Your Life, by Jeannine Lee. Reprinted with permission. Learn more about the book here. [] Collaborative Divorce is the least chaotic and conflictual way to divorce. And…it is still hard. Divorce is hard no matter how you do […]