Choosing a Collaborative Attorney

In a Collaborative Divorce, both parties and their attorneys commit to resolving disputes without going to court. The process requires open communication, transparency, and discussion with the aim of reaching a settlement that considers both parties’ needs and goals. Understanding this framework will help you select a Collaborative attorney aligned with these principles. Here’s how […]

The Crucial Role of Neutrality in Choosing a Real Estate Agent Who Specializes in Divorce

key in door lock

By Sheri Brown Going through a divorce is undeniably one of life’s most challenging experiences, especially when it involves the division of assets, such as real estate. In such delicate circumstances, the importance of choosing a real estate agent specializing in divorce, who maintains strict neutrality, cannot be overstated. Understanding the Unique Needs: Divorce often […]

Common Questions Grandparents And Children of Divorce Ask

Common Questions Grandparents And Children of Divorce Ask

By Jeannine Lee In these two articles: Common Questions of the Person Not Wanting to Divorce and Common Questions of the Person Who Wants to Divorce I shared the very different questions the two people involved in a divorce will have. But what about those outside of your immediate circle like Grandparents? Divorce affects your larger […]