Choosing a Collaborative Attorney

In a Collaborative Divorce, both parties and their attorneys commit to resolving disputes without going to court. The process requires open communication, transparency, and discussion with the aim of reaching a settlement that considers both parties’ needs and goals. Understanding this framework will help you select a Collaborative attorney aligned with these principles. Here’s how […]

An Easier Way To Go Through a Divorce

Removing wedding ring

By Scott Britan As a licensed therapist I have heard many divorce stories. One thing I can tell you is that it is never easy. Whether you have been married for many years or only for several months, the process of ending a marriage can be, and often is, heartbreaking. Many people find it helpful […]

A Goal-Focused Approach To Divorce Is Important

By Beth Brown-Ornstein Deciding to get divorced and then going through the process is emotionally draining. Trying to focus on what’s important while dealing with the details in addition to carrying on with daily life can be challenging. While the divorce experience will almost always be challenging, the Collaborative Divorce process is designed to make […]

Why a Financial Plan Should Be Part of Your Divorce Process

Potato and Coins

By Patrick Janssen If you have worked with a financial advisor during your marriage, chances are you have a financial plan in place that aligns your investment strategy with your life and retirement goals. Operating an investment strategy without a financial plan can often lead to unnecessary investment risk or a growth rate that impedes […]

The Crucial Role of Neutrality in Choosing a Real Estate Agent Who Specializes in Divorce

key in door lock

By Sheri Brown Going through a divorce is undeniably one of life’s most challenging experiences, especially when it involves the division of assets, such as real estate. In such delicate circumstances, the importance of choosing a real estate agent specializing in divorce, who maintains strict neutrality, cannot be overstated. Understanding the Unique Needs: Divorce often […]

Common Questions Grandparents And Children of Divorce Ask

Common Questions Grandparents And Children of Divorce Ask

By Jeannine Lee In these two articles: Common Questions of the Person Not Wanting to Divorce and Common Questions of the Person Who Wants to Divorce I shared the very different questions the two people involved in a divorce will have. But what about those outside of your immediate circle like Grandparents? Divorce affects your larger […]

Common Questions of the Person Not Wanting to Divorce

Person who doesn’t want divorce

By Jeannine Lee The parent who is surprised by divorce, whom I will call the Heartbroken, will have similar questions to those posed in this blog article [Common Questions of the Person Who Wants to Divorce] about the person who wants the divorce, but the difference is that the answers will have to be discovered […]

Common Questions of The Person Who Wants To Divorce?

couples having hard discussion

By Jeannine Lee The experiences for those experiencing divorce are different depending on which side of the decision to divorce they find themselves. Do you want the divorce? Dealing with guilt may be a big part of your journey. Friends and family are often unkind to/lack understanding of the one who leaves first. Are you […]

Surviving Survival Mode – Part Three

surviving survival mode 3

By Jeannine Lee Coping Strategies While we are in a survival state we resort to behaviors that have worked in the past, often behaviors learned in childhood. We hang on to them because we don’t know what else to do. These become our coping strategies. Some are good and healthy like going to the gym […]